2025 Membership Details Coming Soon
How are my membership dues used?
Management & Preservation Efforts
Twice yearly surveys, weed treatments, bioaugmentation treatments and post analysis recommendations
Detailed reporting on the vitality of the Lake
​​Educational Campaigns
Clean Boats, Clean Water
Using lake friendly fertilizers
Maintaining your septic system
Identifying invasive species/weeds vs. good species/weeds
Erosion control
Membership Communications

OLA Fireworks
In addition to our generous sponsors, we sell approximately 400 Fireworks raffle tickets each year to help pay for the fireworks. The funds raised recently, have been able to cover the event costs, but in years past that has not been the case. This important fundraiser is critical to support the greatest fireworks display in Northern Michigan!
This year’s prizes are 1st Prize $2,000, 2nd Prize $1,000, 3rd Prize $500 and 10 - $100 prizes.
The raffle drawing will take place Thursday, July 11th at the County Park Pavilion at 6pm.
Tickets will be available to purchase online, from OLA Board members and at our Merchandise Pop-ups.
If you’d like to help sell raffle tickets please contact us at myotsegolake@gmail.com
FACT: Otsego Lake has approximately 763 deeded parcels that have lakefront and lake access. Since education and funding are critical to our mission, please recruit your friends and neighbors to join OLA! Without OLA, our lake is at great risk and your involvement can make a HUGE impact!