Lake Restoration

Management Plan
Otsego Lake Restoration and Preservation is the primary mission of OLA. As you know, OLA contracted with Restorative Lake Sciences (RLS) to develop and implement an extensive lake management plan. RLS completes on an annual basis a complete scientific analysis of our lake’s health and provides OLA with recommendations to sustain the long-term health of our lake.
The relationship with RLS continues to be very important, therefore, your OLA board renewed the contract with RLS for 2024. The cost is $18K per year and has remained that cost since we started with RLS 5 years ago.
As you will see in the attached 2023 Executive Summary, we treated two test sites for bio-augmentation treatment—more commonly called “muck pellets.” We had some success from these treatments; therefore, we are having RLS look for more potential sites that we can treat in 2024. The cost to treat the two sites in 2023 was $12,000. Once we determine if more areas can be treated, we will bid out treatment plans and cost and determine if it’s cost effective to continue.
It is always OLA’s desire to continually work to make good decisions with your funds to sustain and improve our lake’s quality. We thank you for your support to help us achieve these goals.
Please see the 2023/2024 Lake Report below for more details.